Why AVON is for men too
Ding-dong, the AVON man is calling!
Being an AVON representative is not just for women. More and more men are starting to sell cosmetics around their neighbourhoods. The need for flexible hours applies to men too, whether they are stay-at-home dads who need a bit of extra cash or professionals who run their AVON businesses to supplement their income. And although some men are signing up as a stepping stone to fill a gap in their earnings, many are running their own AVON business as a full-time job.
But isn’t AVON all about make-up? No! And being a man in a female-dominated industry will not hold you back, either. If anything, male sellers might attract more male customers than their female counterparts because AVON sell much more than just make-up. Male customers can buy everything from deodorant and foot cream to moisturising cream. A lot of men may find it easier to approach a male AVON rep and buy from his brochure, rather than go to the shops, where they might be a bit embarrassed buying skin cream or lingerie gifts for their wives and partners.
You don’t have to solely sell door to door, either. There are other outlets, such as golf courses and fisheries, car boot sales, social media and the school run – get creative and use your initiative.
And yes, you may get a bit of stick from your mates when they find out you are selling make-up, but they will soon pipe down when they see that you are able to work flexibly, putting in the hours when, where and how you want and earning a decent income to boot. You may have to start off small but as your business grows, so will your income. And if you graduate from Sales Rep to Sales Leader, you will be managing other people who will go out selling as part of your team.
For many AVON men, the appeal is not necessarily about the product, but more about the business model and the brand. There are a lot of opportunities with AVON. If you work hard, stay motivated and be creative, there is the potential to become really successful. If you dedicate yourself to your business, because that’s what it is – your own business – you can build it up over time and ultimately make it a real success.

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